Chris Schutte

January 23, 2018

5 Reasons Why Your Website Needs Managed Hosting

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Traditionally you needed to pay a hosting company and a website developer to ensure your website is functional and up-to-date. The hosting company charges you for space on their server to store your website, and the developer charges maintain & update the website. Often, we come across clients who aren’t sure how managed hosting works and how beneficial it will be for their business. Interested in finding out more? Then carry on reading.


So, What is Managed Hosting? 

To understand it better, let’s use a simple analogy: a web host is like a property manager, it’s someone who oversees your asset and ensures that things run smoothly. Put simply, managed hosting means the hosting provider (for example, LaunchWeb) will take care of all your server related issues. If you’ve developed a website with the intention to have it viewed on the internet then hosting is a prerequisite and we’re here to tell you why managed hosting is a must.

But, Who Uses Managed Website Hosting?

Anyone with a website can and should make use of managed website hosting. The beauty of it is that the constant upkeep of the server is left in the hands of your trusty hosting provider and they’ll ensure that everything works as it’s supposed to, giving you peace of mind that should anything go awry, it will be solved in a matter of minutes.


& Why Does My Website Need It?

For one, website hosting entails the constant upkeep of the server which not everyone has the knowledge or time to do. When it comes down to it, managed hosting will always be the way to go. Not only does it ensure that your website is always up and running smoothly, it allows your website visitors the pleasure of reliability and fast loading pages and thus, a great user experience. Some of the benefits of Managed Hosting include:


  1. Server Monitoring: System administrators regularly scan the servers to search for any irregularities or potential failures. This goes a long way to ensure good server uptime and network availability.

  1. Security & Performance: Web hosting provides much greater security and performance. Hosting providers are better suited to handling server issues and concentrated knowledge means that issues can be handled quickly and more efficiently.

  1. Regular Backups: Peace of mind that your data is backed up and secure is priceless. Having your data regularly backed up and preserved should anything ever go awry means that it’s a simple process to get your website restored and back up and running within a matter of hours or less.


  1. Save Time: Managed hosting minimizes the amount of hands-on IT work that needs to be performed on the server to maintain it. This means you’ll be freed up to focus on other, more important aspects of your life & business.

  1. Save Money: The time and money you’d spend managing your server on a shared hosting plan would be much better used on your core business. This remains true at the best of times and undeniable at the worst of times.

For smooth sailing and peace of mind, managed hosting is a no brainer. The convenience and benefit of concentrated knowledge to handle issues faster and more efficiently is priceless. There are only 24 hours in the day, employing managed hosting to worry about server maintenance will allow you to focus on the more important things in life & business. You can’t go wrong with one of LaunchWeb’s Managed WordPress Hosting packages, tailored to your needs, and of course, your budget! 

wordpress care plan support

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