Chris Schutte

July 15, 2018

Lead Generation: 5 Things All Successful Websites Do

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What do you want from your website? You will probably say “Leads”, followed by a sarcastic “Duh…” whispered under your breath. Unless you are a large Corporation like Microsoft or Coca-Cola, the main function of your website should be lead generation.

But how sure are you that your website is the best lead-generating machine it can be? Chances are that you outsourced your website design to a company, or God forbid – a family member!

How to generate leads:

Here are 5 things your home page MUST do to ensure it does its job at generating leads:
  1. Identify your customer
  2. Highlight their pain points & problems
  3. Provide a solution
  4. Establish why they should work with you
  5. Earn their trust

The order of these things can vary from company to company, but all 5 are needed in some form or another on EVERY page of your website.

1. Identify Your Customer

The most valuable exercise for any business is to create a “Customer Avatar”. Your ideal customer. Knowing exactly who they are (age, hobbies, preferences etc.) is the first step to successful marketing and selling.

Making this evident on your Home page will let visitors know that they are in the right place and that you understand their needs.

Knowing who your ideal customer is, not only allows you to market to them but strangely enough, you will eventually start attracting only these types of clients. Let’s put it down to the law of attraction – whatever you put out there, you will get back.

2. Highlight Pain Points & Problems

Seek first to understand before being understood. You are in business because you solve certain problems for your customers. List those problems on your Homepage.

Once again it will resonate with your ideal client, and they will know that you truly understand their needs.

3. Provide a Solution

Now that you have assured your visitors they are in the right place, and that you understand their needs – give them the solution.

Tell your visitors how your products or services solve their problems.

4. Establish why they should work with you

Let’s face it, there’s probably a ton of other companies that do what you do. Why should people choose you over the competition?

You should have a long list of reasons. Put them on the page! Provide the benefits someone would experience when doing business with you. If your service or product has certain unique features, list those too.

5. Earn their trust

Why should someone trust you with their business? After all, everything thus far is your opinion. And it’s all worthless if there is nothing to substantiate it.

Give your visitors undeniable evidence that you know what you are talking about. Why not you’re your past clients do this for you? Get some great testimonials from them.

Use case studies to prove categorically that you can get results. Add client logos to show-off some of the clients you have done work for.

And what is a good lecture without some homework! When looking at the main service pages on your website, ask yourself these 5 questions:

  1. Have I identified who the customer is?
  2. Have I highlighted their problems?
  3. Do the services I have listed solve these problems, and has this been explained?
  4. Have I outlined why a customer should pick me over a competitor?
  5. What trust-building elements have been included to corroborate the above

Related Tags:

Website Lead Generation Companies Johannesburg

wordpress care plan support

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