Chris Schutte

August 24, 2022

How to fix WordPress not sending email issue

Reading Time: 4 minutes

One of the most common problems faced by WordPress entrepreneurs is emails not being sent to their contacts. This can pose a significant problem with lead nurturing and conversion, spreading sales and promotional announcements, and other critical business communication.

Businesses rely heavily on emails to connect with their customers and partners. If this is an issue you are currently facing, we’ve got the solution for you! We have a few tips and tricks you can easily do to fix this pesky issue or prevent it in the future.

What Is the “WordPress Not Sending Email” Issue?

WordPress is one of the well-known content management systems (CMS) in the digital world. Most businesses, personal bloggers, and independent contractors use WordPress to create and deliver content to their audience base. With the right plug-ins, sending emails directly from your WordPress site is possible.

Unfortunately, some users report emails not reaching their recipients despite using the appropriate plug-ins. This problem occurs for various reasons. Some of the factors causing this error are as follows:

  • Emails are routed to the spam folder.
  • Error in server configuration.
  • Contact form is sending “spoof” emails.

We’ll go over each reason and the best way to resolve them in the following section.

How To Fix the “WordPress Not Sending Email” Issue

Troubleshooting varies depending on the nature of the problem. In the previous section, we enumerated the top three reasons why your emails are not reaching your contacts and how you can fix them.

1. Identify the Source of Error

  • Emails are routed to the spam folder: One of the first things you want to rule out is your emails being directed to your recipient’s spam folder. To do this, try reaching out to your customers using a different communication medium and ask them to check their spam folder. You can also create a dummy email you can use to test your emails.
  • Error in server configuration: This is a more technical problem among the three. The easiest way to rule out this problem is by using a free “Check Email” plug-in. This easy-to-use plug-in checks your server configuration and its ability to send emails from WordPress.
  • Contact form is sending “spoof” emails: If both issues are ruled out, then the problem probably lies in the contact form plug-in you are using. Sometimes, contact form plug-ins use a different email address than what you’ve configured. The recipient’s email provider could detect it as “spam emails,” preventing you from sending emails to your contact.

2A. If Email Is Sending to Spam

The most efficient way to solve this is to advise your customers to add your email address as a contact. Once this is done, their email provider (i.e., Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) will not direct your emails to their spam folder.

You can also send your emails using an admin email address. This conveys a more professional appeal and could help establish trust among your recipients. A professional email address is less likely to be ignored by customers.

2B. If Your Server Is Not Configured Correctly

If the problem lies in your WordPress configuration, you need to install a third-party SMTP plug-in to fix this. SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol configures your server to send emails by rerouting them across the network, ensuring that your emails reach your recipient’s inbox.

2C. If Your Contact Form Is Sending Spoof Emails

If your server is configured to send emails, but you’re still facing problems, the problem probably lies in your contact form plug-in. The solution for this problem varies depending on the plug-in you’re using to send emails.

Generally, the cause of the problem here is that your contact form plug-in doesn’t recognize the email address you are using to send your emails. To resolve this, you need to go to your plug-in’s settings, configure the “From” field, and add the email address you are using to send emails.

3. Speak With a WordPress Expert

If you did all of the steps above and nothing happened, it’s time to call in an expert. Sometimes the problem is too technical for basic troubleshooting. Launch Digital offers a comprehensive WordPress care solution if you’re looking for an experienced WordPress developer.

What To Do To Prevent WordPress Not Sending Emails

Prevention is always better than cure. The best way to avoid this problem is to establish preventative measures such as updating your plug-ins, scheduling routine site maintenance, and seeking professional help.

Update Plug-ins

One of the most common causes of website errors is an outdated version of WordPress or plug-ins. Make it a habit to update your WordPress version and all your plug-ins as soon as a new version is released. This might sound like a tedious task, but it’s essential to do this to avoid any potential security breaches and plug-in conflicts.

Conduct Routine Website Maintenance

It’s also crucial to conduct routine maintenance on your website. This helps you catch any errors that might have slipped through the cracks. We recommend running a full site checkup at least once a month. You can do this yourself or hire a professional WordPress developer to do it for you.

Call an Expert

If you don’t have the time or expertise to conduct routine website maintenance, we recommend calling in an expert. At Launch Digital, we offer a comprehensive WordPress care solution that includes regular maintenance, security checks, and much more.

Get Expert WordPress Care Services

WordPress is an efficient CMS used by countless businesses and professionals across the world. However, this proficient tool is not without its issues. If you’re having trouble reaching customers because of an email routing error, we can help.

Launch Digital is a digital solutions agency based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Our comprehensive, affordable, and effective WordPress Care Plan is designed to ensure you maximize WordPress’ potential while we take care of the technical aspects for you.

Never lose connection with your customers because of email issues. Contact us now to get started.

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