Our guarantees.
We are so confident that our services will blow you out of the water that we offer guarantees that no other Digital Agency has the cojones to offer.
1st Month Free - No Risk - Guarantee
What’s this about?
Try any of our online marketing services risk-free for 1 month. We won’t charge you a cent.
What’s included?
Any of our SEO, PPC and Social Media Management management packages.
2 Months Free - Guarantee
What’s this about?
Pay 12 months upfront for any of our online marketing services and we will give you 2 months on the house!
What’s included?
Any of our SEO, PPC and Social Media Management management packages.
90 Day Money Back - Website Refund - Guarantee
What’s this about?
We are so confident that the new website we design for you, will beat your old website (by getting more visitors, leads, purchases etc.) that if it doesn’t we will refund you your money in full.
What’s the catch?
There is no catch, but we do have some simple terms and conditions to prevent this awesome offer being abused.
Our website will beat the “performance” of your current website – this could be number of visitors, Google rankings, number of enquiries or any other metric that both parties agree on before starting the project.
Baseline Metrics
For this offer to be valid we require verified metrics to prove your existing marketing performance. This includes Google Analytics reports, Sales or CRM tacking software you use. We will also require you to provide us with certain honest and accurate tracking information once the site is live.
If (by some act of divine intervention) your new website does not perform better – we will remove our website, replace your old one and refund you 100% of your money.
It really is that simple. There are no funny tricks or hidden clauses – we are 100% confident that any money you spend with us is an investment in your business.
SEO Performance Guarantee
What’s this about?
If our SEO packages do not meet the prescribed performance criteria, then we will work for free until it does!
What’s included?
We base (and update) our guarantees based on what we believe is a reasonable expectation and timeframe for successful SEO. So you can use these guarantees as a yardstick when explaining to new clients what they can expect.
Our Guarantees are only applicable for 10 Keyword, normal SEO Services and above. There are no guarantees for the 5 keyword or Maintenance packages.
The guarantee for the Normal and Advanced SEO Packages are based on 20 keywords and the guarantee for the Aggressive SEO campaign is based on 30 keywords.
Low Competition SEO Niche – Service Guarantees
Type of Service Covered By This Guarantee:
● Small Businesses
● Local Businesses with Low Competition (City-Wide)
● Local Businesses with Low Competition (Suburb Based)
If you are unsure whether a campaign fits this Low Competition Guarantee level, please ask our team AT THE START OF THE CAMPAIGN.
Guarantees We Honour For Low Competition Campaigns
● 50% Keywords in Page 1 over 6 Months
● 80% Keywords in Page 1 over 12 months
● 90% Keywords in Page 1 over 18 Months
Medium Competition SEO Niche – Service Guarantees
Type of Service Covered By This Guarantee:
● Small & Medium Businesses (City-Wide & Suburbs Based)
● Local Businesses with Medium & High Competition (
● Local Businesses with High Competition (Suburbs Based)
If you are unsure whether a campaign fits this Medium Competition Guarantee level, please ask our team AT THE START OF THE CAMPAIGN.
Guarantees We Honour For Medium Competition Campaigns
● 50% Keywords in Page 1 over 6 Months
● 70% Keywords in Page 1 over 12 months
● 80% Keywords in Page 1 over 18 Months
● 90% Keywords in Page 1 over 24 Months
High Competition SEO Niche – Service Guarantees
Type of Service Covered By This Guarantee
● Nationwide Businesses
● eCommerce Stores
● Local Businesses with Extremely High Competition (
● 25% Keywords in Page 1 over 6 Months
● 50% Keywords in Page 1 over 12 months
● 75% Keywords in Page 1 over 18 Months
● 90% Keywords in Page 1 over 24 Months
If you are unsure whether a campaign fits this High Competition Guarantee level, please ask our team AT THE START OF THE CAMPAIGN.
Businesses With No SEO Guarantees
Type of Websites/Service Not Covered By Guarantees
● Extremely Competitive National Businesses
● 5 Keyword SEO Campaigns
● Maintenance Campaigns
Example Businesses
● Digital/Online Marketing (Nationwide)
● Lawyers (Nationwide)
● SEO Companies (Nationwide)
● Graphic Design (Nationwide)
● Web Design & Development (Nationwide)
● Insurance (Nationwide)
● Software (Nationwide)
● Domain Names & Web Hosting (Nationwide)
● Builders (Nationwide)
● Weight Loss (Nationwide)
● Mortgages (Nationwide)
● Finance (Nationwide)
There are other industries that will also fit this category.
No Guarantees
We endeavour to deliver the best possible results but these niches are too competitive to be able to reliably predict results in a way that we can formulate guarantees.
What Our Guarantees Mean
When We Do Not Meet Our Performance Commitments
When a service we are running goes into a guarantee status, we simply keep working on the campaign until the minimum performance criteria of that campaign
This is not a money back guarantee, it’s a guarantee we will meet our performance commitments. This is the best solution as it ensures you keep your clients while we work to rectify the performance challenges. Money back guarantees tend to shift clients to other providers which we don’t want.
Guarantee Conditions:
For a guarantee to be valid and executable, the following criteria must be valid:
- There
are nopre- existing Google penalties or algorithmic demotions in place on the client’s website at the start of the engagement. These will be picked up following access to Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools and fed back to you during the first month of the
campaign. - All on page recommendations we have suggested are agreed to and implemented in a timely fashion Where revisions are made to our recommendations, we have reviewed and agreed to those revisions, ensuring the on page work remains consistent with our target keywords
- All off -page SEO work is quality checked and approved for publication in a timely manner
- There are no major changes to the Google algorithm during the period which change the way websites rank and also require changes in the SEO process
- Free Month (Either 1st Free Month or 3 Months Free Trial) will not be included in Guarantees Time Frames, ie the timeframes are PAID timeframes
- All payments for servicing the campaign are up to date
Ready to grow your business?
Speak to a Digital Strategist.
Send us a message and one of our Digital Strategists will call your right away to discuss how we can turn your marketing into profits.
A Digital Marketing Agency that gets results, and not just rankings!
72 Studio Office Park, Lonehill, Johannesburg