Chris Schutte

January 20, 2023

How to Boost Your Marketing Efforts & Results With ChatGPT

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Table of Contents

  1. What is ChatGPT anyway?
  2. Why should you care?
  3. How you can use ChatGPT to boost your marketing efforts
    1. Writing
    2. Research
    3. Strategy
    4. Coding
  4. Tips to get better ChatGPT responses
    1. Give Context
    2. Be Specific
    3. Provide Examples
    4. Expected Output
  5. Will AI replace the marketer?
  6. Should you be using AI tools?

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last 3 weeks, you would have heard or read about ChatGPT.

If you struggle to find time to do proper marketing, then ChatGPT is the answer to your rushed prayers. It’s the perfect tool for business owners and marketers who want to get more done in less time.

In this article, I am going to show you a few practical use cases for ChatGPT to boost your marketing efforts.

What is ChatGPT anyway?

I was too lazy to write an explanation, so I asked ChatGPT to write one for me:

chatGPT describing an example of itself

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI that allows you to generate human-like text. It’s fine-tuned version of GPT-3.5, which was trained on a blend of text and code, and it can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as question answering, language translation, and text summarization. It’s a powerful tool for digital marketers looking to automate content creation, improve customer service interactions, and more.

Meh, that’s still a bit wordy for me.

So, to simplify it even further: it’s an AI chatbot that can do really cool things and save you a lot of time.

Why should you care?

Reason 1: Within 7 days of being released ChatGPT gained a million users. It took Facebook 24 months to do that. Not in the history of the internet and cat memes have we seen that sort of uptake.

Reason 2: Microsoft is rumoured to invest $10bn into ChatGPT. If Microsoft invests $10bn into anything, it’s normally a big deal.

Many of you might be saying “AI isn’t a new thing, it’s been around for ages” which is true (and if we are really going to get lost in the weeds, AI has been around since the 1950’s).

Even before ChatGPT was released, there were hundreds of AI tools available.

And to be honest ChatGPT itself isn’t that impressive, it’s just an interface. What makes ChatGPT revolutionary is actually the language model (GPT 3.5) that it is built on.

It is the first language model of its kind that is able to generate human-like responses from minimal input, and is capable of understanding context.

But more than that, ChatGPT has the potential to save you hours of time and boost your marketing efforts.

How you can use ChatGPT to boost your marketing efforts

By now you would have seen hundreds of posts about ChatGPT “hacks” from self-proclaimed AI experts. Which, if I am honest, are mostly gimmicks.

This is not one of those posts. I want to give you some practical ways that you can use this amazing AI tool to improve your marketing efforts.

Not replace, not automate – just improve.

Many of the clickbait headlines you read with talk about how ChatGPT will “revolutionise” or “automate” your marketing. Yes, it is revolutionary, and yes it can automate some stuff – but it’s a long way from replacing us as marketers.


The most common use case for ChatGPT has been for writing content. You can use ChatGPT to write anything.

Not only can it spit out a 600-word blog article in seconds, but it does a really good job.

Here are some examples of things ChatGPT can write for you, to save you time:

  • Meta titles and descriptions for SEO
  • Product descriptions
  • Blog articles
  • Social media posts
  • Emailers

The list is endless. It can write anything your heart desires from poems and jokes to sonnets and speeches.

I have even used it to answer questions from staff and clients that I was too lazy to answer. More times than I care to admit.


Any marketer will know that research is essential to building good marketing strategies, but it takes time! And we don’t have a lot of that.

Don’t worry, ChatGPT can do your research for you. Here are some examples of research tasks you can give it:

  • The most popular websites / channels / forums / profiles / blogs for a certain target audience
  • A comprehensive list of your competitors websites / channels / profiles
  • Popular keywords around a topic
  • Popular questions around a keyword

Quick caveat: ChatGPT does have a limitation in that it is not connected to the internet. But there is a solution and it’s called WebChatGPT. A chrome extension that connects ChatGPT to the internet.

Voila, now you have a sarcastic robot assistant, with limitless access to the internet and all of the world’s information. What could go wrong?


The jury is still out on this one, but from my testing ChatGPT can just about put together any strategy for any channel.

Whilst not capable just yet of creating completely bespoke marketing strategies, ChatGPT is pretty competent at creating high-level outlines.

Here are some example prompts you giveChatGPT:

  • Give me [number] of creative ideas to promote on [channel]
  • Give me [number] of tactics to increase my email subscribers for my [describe your business].
  • [describe your business]. Give me [number] of ideas for a lead magnet to add to my website

The more specific and detailed your prompts are, the better the chances of a good answer.

The possibilities are endless. With some inspiration from Jon Loomer, I asked ChatGPT to create a Facebook Ads strategy for me:

ChatGPT creating a facebook ads strategy for launch digital

And whilst that campaign is not going to open the sales floodgates, it is a good starting point. And at least it is giving you a starting point, and not just concepts and ideas like so many marketing blogs do.

But what’s really incredible is that a business owner could spend a morning with ChatGPT to create a 12-month marketing plan, that would have taken his marketing manager several weeks.

I would know… I used to be one of those marketing managers.


ChatGPT can write code, any code.

Here are some examples of how other marketers are using it for writing code:

  • In this post Michael Schroder used ChatGPT to write a Google Ads script to mine search term reports.
  • In this post Aleyda Solis shows how you can use ChatGPT to write structured data for product pages as an SEO process

With a good enough prompt, it can even create apps, and WordPress plugins.

Tips to get better ChatGPT responses

ChatGPT is only as good as the prompts you give it.

Learning the correct way to ask questions will save you plenty of time spent rephrasing and rewording.

Here are some ways to get better responses from ChatGPT:

Give Context

Context is important because it helps the ChatGPT understand the background and the purpose of the prompt.

Bad prompt:

create a social media strategy

Better prompt:

you are a social media strategist that helps small businesses create power social media strategies. Create social media strategy for a business that prints unique t-shirts

Be Specific

This is an obvious one, but be specific and clear with you task.

Bad prompt:

suggest blog articles for a cleaning business

Better prompt:

suggest blog articles for a cleaning business operating in Oregon, that specialises in waterless cleaning

Provide Examples

If possible try give ChatGPT examples and references to provide a better response.

Bad prompt:

write copy for a landing page that sells christmas sweaters

Better prompt:

using the formula from this website [insert url], write landing page copy that sells christmas sweaters

Expected Output

Be specific in what the response must look like.

Bad prompt:

Write a meta title and description for this page [insert url]

Better prompt:

Write a meta title (must be less than 50 characters) and description (must be less than 150 characters) for this page [insert url].

Will ChatGPT replace the marketer?

Nope. But will it replace marketing assistants? Probably.

Anyone that has used ChatGPT would see that it has limitations, specifically when it comes to creative thinking. We are a long way from being made obsolete by AI – don’t read into all the doom and gloom.

I actually think that ChatGPT will make us better marketers. All the time previously spent on doing mundane tasks like researching, creating documents, reporting and even implementing is suddenly taken care of.

Meaning we can spend more time thinking out-of-the-box, and fiddling with knobs to squeeze more juice out of our marketing plans.

Should you be using ChatGPT?

Yup. In this brief article, I have given you just a few practical ways in which ChatGPT can make your life as a marketer easier.

The possibilities of AI are quite literally endless. And true to its nature, it is improving exponentially every day.

I haven’t even touched on the plethora of amazing tools out there like Jasper, Headlime, Writesonic and more.

The sooner you start playing around and becoming familiar with AI marketing, the better.

If you have other cool ways to leverage ChatGPT for your marketing, drop a comment below, I’d love to hear about them.

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